Tips for Runners

If you are a runner, getting faster and staying injury free, will need a little more input than simply running. You need to put in a little time in the gym or on your mat.

Aches and pains can often be an annoying hindrance in a runners life, but you can address the main culprits that slow you down (or worse still bring you to a halt).

Feet and Ankles – build flexibility and stability in the ankle joints with a blend of stabilizing & strengthening exercises. Build youself from the bottom up!

Talking of bottoms!! – Your Glutes should be a major focus of your lower body work. Weak Glutes are linked to injuries such as Achilles Tendinitis, shin splints and runners knee.

 Core Strength will give you the stability you need to allow you to stay comfortable no matter how long your run is. Ignore your core and your lower back will take the strain.

 Hamstrings need to be stretched and strengthened. Along with the front of the legs, these muscles are responsible for powering your run and keeping those knees traveling in the right direction. Don’t don’t forget the sides of the legs – you will need them for unstable terrain and changing direction.

 Don’t forget you that you also have an upper body – necks and shoulders can get sore if your postural muscles are not strong and aligned.


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